Hyper realistic car paintings : Using the automobile as a point of reference, Cheryl Kelley continues her exploration into issues of gender, power, and freedom. Through exquisitely rendered canvases, Chrome displays the luminosity and mystique of the automobile that has captured the imagination of so many since its inception. Juxtaposed to her previous exhibitions of all muscle cars, Kelley's introduction of luxury sports cars like Porsche and Bentley creates a conceptual dialogue of modernity’s influence on design, social trends, technology and taste. From an artistic perspective, Kelley creates stunning likenesses that reflect the surface of the subject as well as the world around it. Similar to standing in front of a mirror, the viewer simultaneously shifts between the object within and the world around them, between reality and fantasy, as they project themselves into these imaginary landscapes. This conceptual leap, combined with impeccable rendering, transforms the ordinary into extraordinary and the automobile into other. i hope you like these car paintings
Inspired Hyper realistic oil Paintings by Other Artists: