40 Forced Perspective Photography around the world - Illusion Photography

03/29/2016 18:29:46 / Đăng bởi Sao chép gian hàng / (0) Bình luận

Forced perspective photography is a technique that employs optical illusion to make an object appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller than it actually is. It is used primarily in photography, film-making and architecture. It manipulates human visual perception through the use of scaled objects and the correlation between them and the vantage point of the spectator or camera. Perspective photography is fun and catches everyone’s attention and can be very informative at times. You can find tons of examples from perspective photography over the web but In this post 40 examples of forced perspective photography we have listed best shots from creative people who have gone ahead to do it. Learning photography these days is just few clicks away with amazing cameras and photogrpahy tutorials out there on the web.


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